Category: General
Building QuickBooks: How Intuit Manages 10 Million Lines of Code
This was a great article about a large scale commercial product and the tools and techniques used to manage it.
System.TypeLoadException: Method does not have an exception
How I overcame this exception by finding an unexpected configuration change.
Filtering the SharePoint 2010 Blog Posts web part
Step by step instructions on how to add a filter on the SharePoint 2010 Blog Posts web part.
Add root certificate as trusted source in SharePoint 2010
How to add trust relationships to SharePoint and make RSS Viewers work again.
Rejected but encouraged
A few weeks ago I applied for a grant offered by a local Venture Capital firm. The grant application is essentially an abbreviated business plan, and finalists compete for several awards. Today I received my rejection letter. Complete with the classic “we regret to inform you” clause. However, they attached a remarkably polished PDF analysis…