Category: General
What’s New in ASP.NET Identity and other valuable lessons learned
How I learned a valuable (and painful) lesson in preparation during my presentation to the Triangle .NET user group.
The Developer’s mid-life crisis – and 5 ways to overcome it
Are you stuck in the middle of your career, wishing you could use all the hip new technologies? Here are 5 ways to overcome the developer’s mid-career crisis.
Multi-column navigation menus in SharePoint
There are many approaches to implement so-called Mega Menus that incorporate images or multiple menu hierarchies. However, if you just needing to compress the menu above the fold, this is a pretty efficient method.
CodeSpaces and the risk of cloud computing
Using cloud based services is risky. But we do it anyway.
You’re going to fall behind
As a developer, there will always be things you can’t keep up on. Be that a new language, framework, toolkit, backlog of features, unit test coverage, or even documentation. There simply has become too much to learn, too much to consume, too much to monitor, for any normal person with a day job to manage.…