Category: General
Picking a Mobile Web Strategy
In this post I share a few of the decisions I made in planning and developing the Mobile Optimized version of HomeSpot HQ.
Creating or Consuming
Does Creation always require more energy than Consumption?
Integrating with Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)
Learn about integrating with Amazon’s new Simple Email Service.
My Favorite Extension Methods: IsGuid
Another of my favorite and often used Extension Methods. This method will validate if a string contains a representation of a Guid value.
My favorite extension methods: HtmlEncode shortcut
This is the second installment in my series highlighting my personal favorite .NET extension methods. We’ve already talked about a String.Format shortcut. Now we’re on to making the HtmlEncode function readily accessible. Any time you are showing user-entered content as text on a web page, it is important to HtmlEncode the string so as to…